Transcript of $1 vs $500,000 Plane Ticket!
Author : MrBeast · Like · Subscribe
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- We're gonna fly on this jet
that costs half a million
dollars per flight
and we're also gonna fly
on a $25,000 private jet,
a $10,000 first-class seat,
a blimp, and so much more.
But before I show you
what it's like to fly
on some of the most luxurious
plane on the planet,
we're gonna fly on the
cheapest plane in the world.
It's really rickety.
Here's the dollar.
I'm very nervous.
- Nothing to be nervous about.
I've done this half a dozen times.
- You've done this six times?
(lively music)
(engine whirring)
Why does this sound like
a lawn mower engine?
(Doug laughing)
Time for ride on world's
cheapest plane ticket.
(lively music)
Oh boy.
Oh my...
Oh my gosh, round up.
We're going so fast.
- Come on, get it.
- That does not sound safe.
- Nah ah.
(wind whooshing)
- They almost hit the camera.
- Whoo!
- What are you doing?
- Keep your seatbelt on.
- Uh, you just focused on
keeping me alive, Doug.
- I'm trying.
(engine whirring)
- All right, he's in there.
- All right, dibs on the channel.
- I got what I need.
You can land whenever.
- (laughing) No.
- Doug, come on. Doug, please.
- That guy pays my bills. Be careful.
- And if you guys think this is crazy,
wait until later in the video
when we have the world's
most expensive plane ticket on the planet.
- Wait a minute, you're
making me feel bad.
- Oh my god, he's coming in hot.
(engine whirring)
- [Doug] Get ready to land.
(metal clanking)
- Almost.
- [Group] Yeah.
- We're on the ground, we survive.
- [Person] Our next plane is the $1,000
first class plane ticket.
- But here's the thing, boys.
I bought all the first class seats,
so, sit wherever you want.
- Would you like some miracle mist lotion?
- Why?
- Because first class,
baby, fine dining, huh.
- [Person] Each of us
has our own seat and TV.
The ticket also comes with a decent meal,
a free bag of toiletries and pajamas.
- Do we get to take all this home with us
- [Person] And during longer flights...
- Recline. We should recline into a bed.
- I feel like I'm in a
coffin, which I like.
- Yeah, this is crazy.
- [Person] And best of all...
- My favorite part
about this $1,000 plane,
I don't need to speak to Nolan.
- I don't like this glass
'cause it like separates me.
I'm all alone back here.
- That is the exact reason why I like it.
- [Person] The only downside
is that you don't get
a lot of privacy.
- [Chris] It's really
awkward filming a video
with all these people walking by.
- [Person] So, let's
see what a plane ticket
10 times more expensive will feel like.
- And now, the $10,000 plane ticket.
Oh man, this is nice.
I have unlimited legroom here.
Look, let's start off by
analyzing what we get.
A tablet, a giant touchscreen TV,
my own in-seat drink bar, snacks.
This isn't Feastables
chocolate. I want a refund.
- We're getting connected to the Wi-Fi.
We might have paid $10,000 for our seat
but we still have to pay $20 for Wi-Fi.
- It's not free?
- Now, we're taking off,
which is pretty crazy
because I can literally watch it on my TV
and because it's a 16-hour
flight, I get to take a...
Look at how nice this bathroom is.
You have a sink, a
toilet, and then a shower.
That is crazy. Look at that.
We are 30,000 feet in the
air and I can take a shower
- [Person] On top of that,
me and the boys can order
as much gourmet food as we want.
And that's not all, we
save the best for last.
- Hey, how's it going?
- [Person] There's a private lounge
in the back of the plane.
- Hey, Jimmy.
- Yeah.
- Ow.
- You're not dreaming.
- That was the $10,000 plane ticket.
Point the camera up and down.
And now we're at the $25,000 plane ticket
that is up these stairs.
That's right, there's floors.
- This is insane.
- This is crazy.
We're gonna be sitting above other people.
- Oh my god.
- Now, this is your room.
- [Person] For $25,000,
you get two massive rooms.
- Oh, this is crazy. I've
never seen anything like this.
- Holy...
- [Person] Our space on this plane
is literally four times
bigger than the last one.
I've never seen a plane
where I can comfortably
do jumping jacks.
Look at this.
- [Person] We also get
two chairs, a ton of TVs.
- There are more TVs in this one room
than all of the other planes we've been on
- [Person] Food served by a
personal flight attendant.
- Why is it that after
a certain price point,
they always give you a caviar?
- And the bathroom.
- Can we talk about something?
This bathroom is like a disappointment.
No shower, no heated
floors, half the size.
I think the $10,000 flight
was a better price point.
- Would you pay this kind of money
for a single flight?
- I wouldn't recommend this.
I would recommend a car.
- Buy a car instead.
- And now, the best part of
the room, a queen size bed.
- Why don't they just
make every seat a bed?
- Bro, instead of three
seats side by side,
just put a bunk bed with three bed.
(bright music)
(audio squeaks)
(hand thudding)
- Good morning. That
was really good sleep.
- Karl, wake up. We're gonna land.
- I slept like a rock.
That was the world's most
expensive commercial flight.
Time for private flights.
(screen whooshing)
This is the $100,000 plane.
- This thing's huge.
- At this price point,
you get the entire plane.
(group cheering indistinctly)
- Private, private.
- Oh, it's like a yacht.
- This is wild.
- This is unbelievable.
- You wanna know the craziest part?
This is just one of four rooms.
- [Karl] There's more to the plane,
I thought this was it.
- Guys, come over here.
What room is this?
- [Person] This is literally
another lounge area
with a bunch of snacks and a huge TV.
And if you're feeling tired,
you get your own private bedroom.
- Dude, what? Wee.
- This is like a hotel.
- [Person] And last but
not least, the bathroom.
- Three, shut your mouth
right now. Shut it.
- Whoa.
- This is insane.
There's a seat in the bathroom. Dibs
- Have you ever even seen
a jet half this size?
- No.
- Never.
- What do we talk about
while on our private jet?
- Well, I'll tell you,
last year I had sold the (indistinct).
- Oh no. Oh, wait.
I just realized I'm taking off backwards
(water bottle thuds)
(GoPro thuds)
- Whoa.
- GoPro.
- I didn't realize we were taking off.
- Not the camera. Stop!
- This is crazy. Whoa, oh.
(Karl whistling)
(group laughing)
- Bro flew.
- Oh my God.
(person laughing)
- I can just roll back.
- Oh, turbulence.
All right, I'm going to sit down.
- This might be the best bathroom yet.
This is the toilet.
On the toilet you can watch TV.
- Hey, Nolan, I hope you feel
comfortable in the bathroom.
- What's going on? I'm so confused.
(door thuds)
No, no. (laughs)
- He's never getting out.
- (gasps) What?
- Oh wow.
- I have steak, mashed
potatoes, and veggies.
And you guys inspired me a little bit,
so I brought some pizza.
- [Group] Yeah!
(upbeat music)
- This is my favorite plane
because it has YouTube
but we didn't pop up
first, so now, it's not.
- You can tell this is a rich person bed
'cause there's like 500 pillows.
This one outta here. That one outta here.
(singer sings in foreign language)
- I'm gonna fly this thingy.
- And that's the beauty of flying private.
You can do whatever you want whenever.
Karl's flying the plane,
Chandler's jamming out the pizza.
Chris is taking a nap
and I don't even know where Nolan went.
There's no layovers when you fly private
and there's no TSA, so
you save tons of time.
Hence why?
Basically, every rich person
you know owns a private jet.
- Hey, guys.
- Yeah.
- We're gonna land soon.
- Karl, let me out. (hand thudding)
- Where about...
We're gonna land? You
gotta let me out, bro.
- Oh, oh.
- Oh my God.
That was the opposite smooth.
- Wait, wait. Is Nolan
still in the bathroom?
- I don't know, really.
- Karl, go let him out.
- Oh, oh.
- How was your flight?
- Still better than the $1000 plane.
(Karl laughing)
- And now, the $300,000 blimp.
I'll unblur it in a second.
Before I remove your blindfolds,
what do you think is on
the side of the blimp?
- Is it Nolan's phone number?
- Did you do Nolan's phone number?
- That would be funny.
- Next time.
- Take off your blindfolds.
Turn turnaround.
(person scream)
(MrBeast laughs)
(group laughing)
- I heart Karl's mom. Hold up.
He really loves my mom.
- No, Karl, he hearts your
mom. He doesn't love your mom.
That'd be weird.
- No, I love her.
- Oh. (blowing raspberries)
- [Chandler] Dude, am
I pushing it right now?
- Ooh, it's like moving.
- This giant aircraft can literally
just be pulled by a rope.
And you might be wondering how
did I afford this giant blimp
and pay six figures to wrap it?
ZipRecruiter, a recruiting
platform that I use
to hire people like editors,
cameramen, and accountants.
Let's see if it stops
floating when I get on it.
(metal stairs thuds)
- That's gains, dude.
- Does that mean I'm fat?
- It means you work out a lot.
- Or I'm fat.
ZipRecruiter is where people go
to discover their next great job.
If this blimp crashes, then I die.
- Uh-huh.
- You guys could just use
ZipRecruiter to find a new job.
- That'll make it so
much easier. Thanks, man.
- I feel like I don't
like this conversation.
- Shh, shh. All right, let's do this.
Goodbye, Chandler.
Goodbye, forever.
(door thuds)
- I think I heard forever.
- [Chris] He could have promoted anything
and he chose Karl's mom.
- I'm terrified. This
ain't picking up speed.
- Well, we'll see you at the race.
- [Person] Oh, and I forgot to mention,
we're flying this blimp
over 150,000 people
at the world's largest race car event.
And Karl has no idea.
- Before I die in this blimp,
I wanna tell you guys about ZipRecruiter.
We recently made a job
posting on ZipRecruiter
and I'm gonna call one of the
candidates and interview them.
(phone ringing)
Hey, Thomas.
I saw your application on
ZipRecruiter. Can you hear me?
- [Thomas] Yes, I can. Is this MrBeast?
- Yeah, I'm MrBeast, it doesn't matter.
- [Thomas] Sorry, I can't
barely hear you right now.
- Yeah, because we're on a blimp.
How long have you been an editor for?
- [Thomas] I've been an
editor for about 10 years.
- Do you think you can improve our videos?
- [Thomas] I think with a strong team
and a little creative innovation,
I can definitely make your videos better.
- Okay, not bad. Send me
some examples of your work.
If like Thomas, you want a
shot to come work for us,
click the link in the description
or go to
We're gonna look at every
single person that applies.
(crowd cheering)
(cars revving)
We are now over the Daytona 500
which is one of the busiest events ever.
- [Karl] You couldn't
have put something better
on the blimp.
- No, this is perfect.
- This is wrong. (laughing)
- [Chris] Can they see us?
- [MrBeast] You can see 'em.
(screen dings)
- Karl, I can confirm. Everyone
loves your mom down here.
- I love Karl's mom.
- Everybody's like, "We love..."
- [Crowd] I love Karl's mom.
- Karl's mom, if you're
watching, you're a lovely lady.
- [Crowd] We love Karl's mom.
- [Karl] You're a psycho.
- [MrBeast] For your mom.
(audio thuds)
- [Person] And now, the most
expensive private plane ticket
on the planet.
(upbeat music)
- Hi, welcome board.
I suggest you taking your shoes off.
That carpet's actually $2 million.
- She's like, "I suggest it, really hard."
- [MrBeast] And by square feet,
this is bigger than our houses.
- [Person] It's almost
impossible to imagine
how big this jet actually is.
- Right here is a bedroom.
- Wow.
- A bedroom.
Another bedroom, another
bedroom. Keep going.
This is for the crew, another bedroom.
- Hoo!
- What'd you find?
- My dibs?
- [Person] The bedrooms on this plane
are way more extravagant.
Gold plated sinks, multiple showers.
- Wait, what's in there?
- That's the toilet.
- [Person] This plane comes
with its own theater room,
a lounge that can seat it up to 12 people.
- [MrBeast] And then over
here is the living room.
- This is like a bigger couch
than what I have in my house.
- I just want you to know you've only seen
a third of the plane so far.
- There's more.
- [Chris] What? Oh, got some good stuff.
- You can call flight
attendants in your bedroom.
- If we could do this every time we fly,
I'd live in the air.
Whoa, whoa, what is that?
- Sorry, I'm turning
the lights on and off.
- How did I miss this room?
Like we walked around the whole plane
- And in case you thought
you saw everything,
there's also massages on this plane.
How is it, Karl?
- It's amazing.
- So, I really just shouldn't.
(glass shattering)
(Chris giggling)
- Gentlemen, how were we
able to afford this plane?
- I would say only our fans.
- [Person] And because of
that, we invited a bunch
of random subscribers
on this half a million-dollar plane ride.
- Have you ever flown
on a private jet before?
- No. This is my first time.
- And it's the most
expensive one on the planet.
- I've never seen anything
like this on a plane.
Like this is crazy.
- Ma'am, what is this right here?
- That's gas station chocolate.
- Can you just throw it? Okay.
(chocolates thudding)
- I didn't think
she'd literally throw 'em.
(stewardess laughs)
This is the chocolate you need
to serve from now on, okay?
- Got it.
It's called Feastables,
It's the highest rated
chocolate on the planet.
- [Karl] What the heck is over this way?
- [Chris] Yo, this gotta be a secret room.
That's where the crew is.
We just got a bunch of
funny looks. (chuckles)
- Attention, boys.
We're about to take off.
Fasten your seat belts, stop
being hooligans. Thank you.
(head thuds)
(Nolan screams)
(group laughs)
Typically, what kind of people
fly on a plane like this?
- Business people.
How do my dumb friends compare?
- It's pretty dumb, I guess, I'd say.
(MrBeast laughs)
- [Person] At this price point,
they serve the highest quality
food anytime you want it
and anywhere on the plane.
Even in your own private master suite.
- You want some?
(audio smooching)
(group laughing)
- Do you guys even know where we're going?
- [Group] No.
- We're taking you all to Disney World
and we're gonna give you two days
of all expense paid trips
to do whatever you want.
(group indistinctly cheering)
- No way.
- So, if you wanna fly
on the most expensive jet
in the world and then spend two days
all paid for in Disney World, subscribe.
♪ My life ♪
♪ 'Cause of I'm baller
for the rest of my life ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah ♪
♪ My life, my life, my life ♪
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